Modding Tutorial

Ships Buyable Weapon Modding Selling Goods Shield Editing Cloaking Lights

Freelancer Modding

Now you have made the choice to mod freelancer, it is time that you learn how. This is the main page which explains what you will be learning, and what is in what files. Please look over all the information on this page.

In this tutorial you will learn how to:
make ships buyable/unbuyable at bases and planets
edit strengths of missles, torpedos, mines, turrets
edit ships (cargo,max nanos/batts, energy, max weapon class for hardpoints, max speed)
edit shields and thrusters
mod max cruise speed
make weapons buyable at different places
mod Prices of almost anything

You can do all of this because its all client side meaning that you provide your own files, while the server only provides you with a place to play with them on.

List of files in equipment:
commodites_per_faction (commodities for factions)
engine_equip (contains max speed for ships)
engine_good (blank file)
goods (misc prices, never messed with this file)
light_equip (lighting equipment)
market_commodities (where commodities are sold)
market_misc (contains information for where weps are sold)
market_ships (contains information for where ships are sold)
misc_equip (contains information for power capacity of ships)
prop_equip (armor stuff)
select_equip (armors scales)
st_equip (thruster and shield specs)
st_good (thruster and shield prices)
weapon_equip (contains information for weapon power,speed,etc)
weapon_good (contains pricing informartion for weapons)
weaponmoddb (never once used this file)

files found in the ships folder
shiparch (contains nanons/batts, max weps class onboard, hitpoints)

files found in data
constants (contains various info such as max cruise speed)

Now i have set this tutorial up into stages so it easier to stop if you have to and easy to pick up where you left off, it makes it easier and seems less intimidating when there isnt alot on one page. Now i have setup links for each part of the tutorial on this page, so you can pick up where you left off easy, or if you want to start somewhere else if you already know how to do some of the stuff. Now at the end of each page there will be a link that connects you to the next section of the tutorial.

designed by SuBXeRo